Trip to Quiapo

SHOUT OUT: MAGHAYAG AT LUMIKHA, A Pelikulove Hybrid Online Film and Theater Mentoring Festival is a writer-driven and workshopbased festival in partnership with Filipino regional and international film and theater groups. It is a festival with a clear educational thrust to push for artistic excellence in hybrid forms that emerged during the pandemic.
Pelikulove partners with SULAT to create a collaborative space between the Philippines and UK participants. Pelikulove, together with the Board of Festival Directors and representatives from SULAT, will select 6 writers, 3 for film and 3 for theatre, in the Philippines and 2 to 4 writers, either film or theatre, in the UK.
This project hopes to create short (20-30 minutes) hybrid online productions for both film and theatre as its culminating event from the mentorship program Pelikulove has set with their artist-mentors, Ricky Lee and Rody Vera. Pelikulove and SULAT will screen submissions and pitches from various writers who attended the workshops and online courses of either Ricky Lee or Rody Vera since 2019.
Once entries have been chosen and winners declared, partnerships with groups with proven capacity to mount productions online and committed to helping the growth of writers and exploration of the new medium will be tapped and provided cash assistance. The project also builds bridges by linking writers with winning works to be mounted in partnership with local, regional, or international film and theater groups. As the groups are selected and as they start with their production process of the films or plays, Pelikulove and Sulat will conduct continuous mentorship with the artist-mentors and additional educational webinars and sessions for the group in order to aid their production process.
The final phase of the project will be the festival proper wherein the plays and films will be showcased as twinbill, 1 film, and 1 play, on April 9 to 16. Aside from the showcase of the entries, there will also be a prerecorded academic evaluation of the entries by the Council of Evaluators and a live roundtable discussion with the writers, directors, cast, and the artist-mentors Ricky Lee and Rody Vera.
After the festival, the entries along with the recorded materials of the evaluation and the roundtable discussion, Pelikulove will be doing a post-production video editing of each set in order to create future resource materials that will be posted on the Pelikulove website.